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竹影掃階塵不動 죽영불계진부동 月穿潭底水無痕 월천담저수무흔- 대 그림자 섬돌을 쓸어도 티끌 하나 일지 않으며, 달빛이 연못을 뚫어도 못 위에 흔적조차 없다.
by 자레드 갈렝


«   2025/02   »
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I sucked the moon
I spoke too soon
And how much did it cost?
I was dropped from
And sailed on shooting stars

Maybe you'll
Be president
But know right from wrong
Or in the flood
You'll build an Ark

And sail us to the moon
Sail us to the moon
Sail us to the moon
Sail us to the moon

오늘은 정월 대보름이다. 날이 흐려서 달은 안 보이고 있지만(....)

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