블로그 이미지
竹影掃階塵不動 죽영불계진부동 月穿潭底水無痕 월천담저수무흔- 대 그림자 섬돌을 쓸어도 티끌 하나 일지 않으며, 달빛이 연못을 뚫어도 못 위에 흔적조차 없다.
by 자레드 갈렝


«   2025/02   »
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The sky of steel

Is heavy telling everything
Causing the pure white to become sluggish
Tearing the sun apart.
Making the ringing in my ears sharp

Namari no Sora
Omoku tarekomi
Mashiro ni yodonda
Taiyou ga kudakete
Mimiari wo togaraseru

Spinning spinning
The soft voiced swallows
Form a puzzling 8 letters
As they fly over this valley of buildings
Soon a downpour will be coming.

Hyururi hyururi
hikui TSUBAME ga
Hachi no ji nasotte
Biru no tani wo kakeru
Moujiki ni yuudachi ga kuru

The road of cloudy weather
Forgetting her umbrella
She walks forward.
Fearing the rain.
As for me
I'm a coward underneath
The blue sky I stare upwards at.

Donten no Michi wo
Kasa wo wasurete
Aruku kanojo wa
Ame ni obieteru
Node Boku mo
Yowamushi burasagete
Sora wo Aogu

Here and there
Running about skillfully
Ending up at last at a coffee shop
Dawdling too long on a break
I can't return, I just can't return

achira kochira
anyo wa jouzu
kouhii-ya ni yotte
hitoyasumi kimetara
kaerenai kaeranai

The road of cloudy weather,
Swaying to and fro
The two walk
Like common soilders
Who love a thrill
Someone's at a disadvantage
Since they too are cowards

donten no michi wo
burari burabura
aruku futari wa
ashigaru no gotoku
kiken zuki no
dareka no furi wo suru
shoushin monodomo

The road of cloudy weather
Forgetting her umbrella
She walks forward.
Fearing the rain.
As for me
I'm a coward underneath
The blue sky I stare upwards at.

Donten no Michi wo
Kasa wo wasurete
Aruku kanojo wa
Ame ni obieteru
Node Boku mo
Yowamushi burasagete
Sora wo Aogu
